The EBG "Friends with Flats" clinic is based on the flat pedals portion of our larger mountain bike skills clinics with the purpose of helping riders who have either been considering trying flat pedals or who have been riding flat pedals for a bit but still have issues with certain aspects of riding a bike without being locked onto it with a clipless system.
What does the clinic involve? We will discuss various flat pedal types and shoes. We will teach you foot placement and wedging techniques. We will cover why and how flat pedals work. Using static demonstrations and drills. We will have dynamic drills. Starting small and progressing to larger more challenging maneuvers.
With proper technique you can ride anything on flats!
WHAT TO BRING: Yourself!, and your bike in good working order. Helmets are mandatory for all participants. Shin protectionis mandatory while learning. Flat pedals (without toe baskets). Flat soled shoes (sneakers will work for starters).
If you do not have flat (non-clip in) pedals, check with your favorite bike parts retailer or we can provide Mauler flat pedals for $22 installed. If you do not have shin protection check online or we have limited 888 shin guards $42
This clinic is open to 8 participants. Clinic price is $30 Per Person payable by check or cash. We need a minimum of 4 to hold the clinic. Please click below to register.
EBG skills clinics are led by professionally trained and certified mountain bike instructor Chris Krug (IMBA,PMBIA,IMIC) and assisted by (PMBIA) instructor Molly Savard.